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BIG One Hander
Section 1: Intro and Topspin Technical Checkpoints
Course Intro (0:26)
The Ready Position, Grips and the Non Hitting Hand (2:33)
Front Shoulder and Unit Turn (2:33)
Backswing and Weight Transfer (3:37)
Body Rotation and Racket Face Angle (4:22)
Contact Height Data and Spacing (3:52)
Extension and Finish (1:25)
Stance Data, Movement Data and Recovery (7:31)
Common Mistakes on the One Hand Backhand (3:13)
Section 2: Topspin Return of Serve
Return of Serve Grips and Return Options (4:10)
Positioning and Movement (2:33)
Return of Serve Stance Data (3:10)
Return Swing Size and Contact Heights (1:56)
Section 3: Backhand Slice Technical Checkpoints
Intro, Ready Position and Split Step (0:49)
The Grip, Non Hitting Hand and Shoulder (1:50)
Unit Turn, Weight Transfer and Backswing (2:46)
Rotation, Racket Position and Contact Height Data (2:31)
Spacing and the Finish (2:44)
Stances and Stance Data (3:26)
Movement Data and Recovery Footwork (3:32)
Common Mistakes (1:41)
Section 4: Returning Serve with a Slice Backhand
Grips, Time and Positioning
1st and 2nd Serve Return Zones (1:21)
Movement Patterns and Movement Data (1:45)
Return Stances and Stance Data (4:08)
The Swing and Contact Heights (3:24)
Section 5: Technical Checkpoints and Visualization
Topspin Backhand Technical Checkpoints (9:26)
Slice Backhand Technical Checkpoints (6:39)
Topspin Backhand Visualization (1:12)
Slice Backhand Visualization (1:16)
Thank you and Credits (0:45)
1st and 2nd Serve Return Zones
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